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Born 1978

Leg Chair (SUSHI NORI)
Acrylic, brass, plaster, wax, sushi nori, rice cakes
81 x 92 x 46 cm
Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2015 © Courtesy the artist. Photography Doug Atfield

Hamilton’s ‘Leg Chairs’ are a series of sculptures based on the artist’s own legs. Each of them has the same pose, legs akimbo, but they are also unique. Some are themed on famous individuals or a common phrase, others on lifestyle cultures including, as here, ‘exotic’ foods. Sexualised and humorous, the ‘Leg Chairs’ toy with our experience of domestic furniture.

This work was acquired shortly before the exhibition Anthea Hamilton Reimagines Kettle’s Yard in 2016–17, in which the 2016 Turner Prize nominee was invited to create an exhibition using works from the Cambridge collection.
