Illustration: Tess Smith-Roberts
We’re having a party and everyone is invited!
Join us for the opening of a new exhibition (6-10pm) in our café by Tall Paul Kelly, the winner of this year’s Print Fair Prize, and a preview of The Hepworth Wakefield Harvest Festival (7-9pm).
Plus street food, Jumbo Records DJs, drink offers and FREE exhibition entry all night.
No need to RSVP, just turn up!
Concrete Communities: Event 007, Fri 20 Sept, 6 - 8.45pm, FREE
Concrete Communities explores the disconnect between design industry professionals and members of the public.
Through debates and guided architectural tours, it provides a welcoming space for honest conversations about inclusivity, equality, modernity and the importance of community.
Event 007 – at The Hepworth Wakefield – examines the concept of design education. It will explore how the youngest members of society should be included in conversations about our built environment – and what barriers are in place to prevent this. In order to shape our communities, it makes sense to consult all end users and gather feedback on what works – and what doesn’t.
For more information – and to book a FREE place – visit concretecommunities.com


The Hepworth Wakefield Harvest Festival
Sat 21 & Sun 22 Sept, 10am-4pm, £2 / FREE for Members and under 18s