Public statement about closure
17 Mar 2020
To protect the health and wellbeing of our visitors, staff, artists and volunteers we have taken the decision to close The Hepworth Wakefield from 4pm on Wednesday 18 March until further notice.
The Hepworth Wakefield Garden will remain open, but we ask that all visitors adhere to the government’s guidance on leaving your home and observe the necessary social distancing measures.
We will continue to provide inspiring creative content online and will be involving artists and our communities in our digital programming, so please follow our social media channels. You can also find us on Google Arts & Culture and YouTube.
While the building is closed, our staff will be working from home and can be contacted by email.
The Hepworth Wakefield is a charity, so if you have purchased a ticket to an exhibition or event, you may choose to donate the cost of your ticket to the gallery, rebook for a future date or receive a refund. We will be in touch with you about your booking.
We look forward to welcoming you back to The Hepworth Wakefield at the earliest safe opportunity.
‘Culture means the affirmation of life’ – Barbara Hepworth, 1961